As it is presented, this limited selection contains texts that are representative of the great ideals and of the great loves of Mother María Félix: the glorification of God, the reign of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Church, the souls…Everything, with her very personal style of logic of the heart, in response to the logic of the Heart of the Lord, who has «His reasons» to love us without measure.
(From the presentation by Rev. Fr. Manuel Iglesias, S.J.)
A soul committed flawlessly. A soul full of goodness and common sense, of love for all, that penetrated people and that in a simple conversation was able to touch hearts and win them with her gracefulness, her love, her kindness, and her superior intelligence.
«Memories of my life». A soul that appears faithfully portrayed in these pages, written by her. If I had to summarize in a single word the content of these autobiographical notes of Mother Félix, I would speak of a pursuit, because what appears in these «Memories of my life» is an itinerary of intrepid pursuit of the will of God, of the greater glory of God.
(From the prologue of Rvd. Fr. Luis M.ª Mendizábal, S.J.)
Pilar Abraira, C.S. Testimonials Collection. Word Editions 2021. 320 pages.
God above everything. If the life of a human being can be summarized in three words, these are those of Mother María Félix. They are her words, genuinely hers, that accompanied her in great joys and also in anguish and setbacks. They are a variant of that “to the greater glory of God” that she received from Saint Ignatius, a feminine, tenderly personal variant: God above all, God the first. This is, perhaps, what is most surprising in the life of the founder of the Company of the Savior and the Mater Salvatoris Colleges. Since she was fourteen years old, since that Holy Thursday when she met Jesus Christ who loved her, she put Him above all. This is how her contemporaries saw it and this is how the first readers of this book have seen it:
“This intrepid and holy woman was distinguished, above all, by her passion in seeking and finding what God wanted from her and, once found, by embracing her divine vocation with gentle heroic strength. She saw, at the same time, that her mission of being consecrated to infinite Love, and that of the companions called by Providence to the same consecration, took the form of educating young women to facilitate the wonderful path of holiness. All of this, knowing how to respond to the challenges of new times and difficult.” (From the prologue by Mr. Juan Antonio Martínez Camino)
This Via Crucis has been prepared with a selection of the spiritual writings of Mother María Félix, Founder of the Company of the Savior and of the Mater Salvatoris Colleges (1907-2001).
We ask the Lord that, walking his path to the Cross hand in hand with Mother Felix, we can penetrate a little deeper into the Mystery of Redemption. We also ask the Virgin for the grace to know more deeply these two hearts: that of Jesus, who loves us and gives himself to the Father for each one of us and for all men, and that of Mother Felix, who teaches us to correspond to this love with total dedication.
Download the Via Crucis in pdf format.
Age: From 9
For the centenary of the birth of Mother Félix, the Company of the Savior published a beautiful illustrated book for children revealing the life of this nun, and how she wanted to teach the children to love Jesus more. It is especially suitable for children who are preparing for their First Communion.
This is the story of María Félix: A young woman who was moved by the life of Saint Ignatius and, like him, wanted to give herself completely to Jesus. A woman who became aware of the need for young people to get to know God and founded the Mater Salvatoris schools; a Mother who knew how to transmit to her daughters the desire to be holy as nuns in the Company of the Savior.
DVD 47 min.
The beginnings of the Company of the Savior, as well as its development throughout the years worldwide are told through the testimonies of nuns as well as people close to the Company.
DVD 25 min.
You can acquire any of these publications clicking here.